Saturday, August 8, 2009

Success... Thank you Duck Tape Fair Friends!

Once before,
I tried to fix that lousy dryer vent.
It had fallen off less than a week after the professionals had installed it.
using my free Duck Brand Duct Tape sample from the fair,
I fixed that goofy vent.
I taped the tarnation out of that thing.
I don't think it's going anywhere,
anytime soon!
I think this time,
I used the proper tool for the job!
The last attempt failed despite the vast amounts of clear packing tape.
I think it was the moisture that loosened the hold.
With a grin as I cut the tape,
I knew that wouldn't be an issue this time.
The proper tools are useful to completing a task successfully.
Wishful thinking won't make the wrong product do what it wasn't created for.
As I think of my new Kindergarten kids,
I know that it will take time to help them know what they are to do.
Kind words
They will gradually learn what it means to be a Kindergarten student.
Like clear packing tape,
bitty ones are supposed to act like what they have been created for.
One is made to mail gifts,
the other to explore and grow in grace.
If my clear tape won't behave like duck tape,
it shouldn't surprise me when my bitty new ones
do not act like my dear ones who are headed to first grade.
I know it will though,
their testing and stretching the rules
will make me shake my head and sigh.

I know...
that their bright eyed first impressions.
The first bitty one who declares their love for Kindergarten.
They way they will learn to play games to "beat" me...
I know they will,
little by little
my new dear ones.
And I know...
I will grow and learn as well...
as I am given the grace to become the teacher
this unique group of children needs.

I hope that you don't give up when a symbolic "vent" falls down.
There will come a day when success will come your way.
I know it is hard to always believe this.
I struggle with the letting go.
I want to be the clear packing tape that can do anything...
I don't like limitations and imperfection...
Tonight and always,
I pray that you and I,
that we are blessed with peace.
God is like the ultimate Duck Tape...
He can fix anything.
I can't.
Maybe it would be easier to just start with him instead of only heading to him when my way fails.

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