Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Make a Book Day!

Today was a wonderful day to be a Kindergarten kiddo!
(And, a great day to be their teacher as well!)

We started our day with Ms. Tammy, a wonderful woman from Zones for Youth who leads the children in gym class every other week. Sincerely gifted at her job, the children are always eager to see her arrive and leave her class with big smiles and a relaxed demeanor.

We continued our morning by creating some simple books for ourselves. The kids also enjoyed a first look at the two class books I compiled last night from their collected themed writings. My students really enjoyed reading what they had written and checking out their classmates' work as well.

At reading group time no one complained and everyone did a good job on our short vowel review!

Lunch was yummy sloppy joes and it was warm enough to play outside.

After recess we used our rulers a little more and then we did something very satisfying.

We discussed what books have looked like through the ages and I talked to them about scrolls. Most of the children had seen the simple rolled books before and they were very excited about making one for themselves.

Before class began, I had made up several simple sentences about a wonderful Kindergarten class that was beloved by their teacher. I gave every child a strip of paper with the "story" printed on it. The children could decorate their story any way they wanted to.

I decorated mine with kids and flowers!

After coloring, the kids could choose what color craft sticks they wanted and I helped to tape the scroll together. The activity was complete when we rolled up the scroll and tied it with a ribbon of their own choosing! All the children honestly enjoyed the activity. It was a wonderful prelude to our librarian's visit.

The rest of our day was spent with the amazing librarian from the Gahanna branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library! Ms. Amy was wonderful! Not only did she come bearing the expected books, she brought interactive music. She even told a story entirely with puppets!

The children were delighted and I couldn't stop smiling.

Today was the type of day that makes for happy memories.

I think we all need days like my kiddos had.

Days when the mail brings unexpected happiness
or when everyone loves the dinner we prepare...

Tonight as sit here blogging, I must confess that my own children complained about my dinner...
...something about too many veggies in the casserole...
And, they've been fussing at each other since I walked in the door.

However, I love them and fortified with the satisfaction from the day... I might not sell them to the circus!

I wish for you this night...
good memories...

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