Thursday, April 23, 2009


I am happy to tell you,
our field trip was a wonderful success.
My students were well behaved,
intelligent in the "education" piece of the program
happy in the green house.
Delightful eating their lunches and
not too loud on the bus.
do you want to know a secret?
We went to see the butterflies,
I think everyone's favorite part was seeing the giant Koi!
I don't blame them,
I love the fish!
My favorite is the massive yellow one.
I call him Sam.
The kiddos were also fascinated by the texture on the magnifying plate that showed how butterflies see.
The world is lovely through the eyes of my little ones.
I wonder though,
if they are as tired as I am.
May you be blessed this evening,
no matter what your day has been like thus far.
As night falls,
may you find peace and a moment of quiet.
I wish you only happiness.

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