Sunday, April 26, 2009

Life's challenges

I tease my Kindergarten kiddos that when they are naughty it makes my hair gray.
On Friday,
as I leaned over a table,
a dear little one said,
"Miss Susan, Your hair really is turning gray!"
I laughed and told them they were right,
that I needed to color it again.
This weekend besides coloring my hair, I had it cut short.
I've been growing it out.
I haven't honestly liked the way it has looked.
So after a few months of struggling with styling products,
I considered that I actually like my hair short and headed to the salon.
So many times things we do are just an effort to figure out what we like. Sometimes our choices are even made to try and impress others. (Sadly, teenagers do not have the corner on the market when it comes to silly behavior.)
Regardless of the likes or dislikes of others, we need to know what makes us happy. Such knowledge is not easily obtained. Thankfully, discovering my favorite type of dessert or which perfume I like the best is not a miserable thing to experiment with.
Not every lesson is self discovery is quite so simple. I am sure you'd agree that discovering ways to be polite in the face of rudeness, while not becoming a doormat, could be a challenge. And I don't imagine that anyone can tell me a quick and painless way to discover the ins and outs of meeting members of the opposite gender after many years out of the "game". The truth is that developing positive personality traits and relationships, takes a great deal of time and effort.
I pray that whatever you need to learn. Wherever it is you need to grow in your life. That you find the experience to be at least interesting, even if it is difficult at times. I pray that you will find grace in trying situations and peace for your journey.
I wish you happiness and joy.
I hope that we all find the strength to grow where and when we need to.
May you be blessed.

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